
To use Swagger Parser in a project:

from swagger_parser import SwaggerParser

parser = SwaggerParser(swagger_path='swagger_path')  # Init with file
parser = SwaggerParser(swagger_dict={})  # Init with dictionary

# Get an example of dict for the definition Foo

# Get the definition of a dictionary
test = {
  'foo': 'bar'

# Validate the definition of a dict
parser.validate_definition('Foo', test)

# Validate that the given data match a path specification
parser.validate_request('/foo', 'post', body=test, query={'foo': 'bar'})

# Get the possible return value of a path
# It will return a dictionary with keys as status_code
# and value as example of return value.
parser.get_request_data('/foo', 'post', body=test)

# Get an example of a correct body for a path
parser.get_send_request_correct_body('/foo', 'post')